All rates are subject to HST. All membership purchases are final and non-refundable. Memberships are non-transferable and apply only to the individual member; guests or non-members must pay the regular hourly rate. Simulator time is divided based on the number of players and their membership status. Membership benefits are exclusive to the member and cannot be extended to others. Violation of these terms may result in suspension or cancellation without refund.
Example 1 (Weekday before 5pm, 3 players playing 2 hours): Player A | Gold Member | $0, Player B | Bronze Member | $19.33 ($29/hr x 33% x 2hrs), Player C | Public Member | $29.99 ($45/hr x 33% x 2hrs)
Example 2 (Weekend, 4 players playing 4 hours): Player A | Gold Member | $0, Player B | Silver Member | $19, Player C | Copper Member | $50, Player D | Public Member | $50